Thursday, January 22, 2009

A new year of drawing

Drawing 370

Drawing 371

Drawing 372

Super dooper quicky kitties

Drawing 366

Drawing 367
This one was a super-dooper quicky-kitty last Saturday. I was attempting to finish off a work to be dropped off for an exhibition the following day (yeah, me and deadlines, do not get on so well) and I overdid it. My wrists decided it was time to call it a day and while I had been drawing on a papier mache sculpture all day, I hadn't done my drawing-a-day even though it was 10pm and my bed was calling. Hence the goofy cat.

Drawing 368

Drawing 369

A year of drawing-a-day!!

Drawing 361

Drawing 362

Drawing 363

Drawing 364

I have an idea about making this drawing into a bigger piece, with a "handful" of these heads-on-sticks, like a bunch of balloons or lollipops.

Drawing 365

I made it to a whole YEAR of making a drawing each day (not a calendar year, there was a spell last February where I was too sick to do anything but moan about feeling miserable and ended up in the hospital emergency room, so I think I'm excused). 365 drawings make quite an impressive little tower of pages. The ideas keep flowing, and I've made several other works inspired by my daily pieces.

So many ideas, so little time...especially now I'm working part-time in a quilt shop. Woohoo! Fondling fabric I don't have to pay for all day, it's such a hardship. Thus far I resisted (mostly) the siren call of bolts of lovelies whispering: "Buy me!" "No, buy me!". I did succumb to a fat quarter of cowgirls on a powder blue background, to add to my stash of cowboy fabric. One day the stash will grow up to be a quilt.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Drawing 356

Drawing 357

Drawing 358

Drawing 359

Drawing 360

I am in a decluttering frame of mind (I was going to write "decluttering frenzy", but frankly, I just can't get frenzied about cleaning!). I tackled the nightmarish tower of half-started projects, abandoned UFOs, mending, collections of themed fabrics, and clothes to refashion that lurks in the corner of my bedroom, and people: I am apalled. There's stuff in there that I forgot I even had. Good stuff, too, stuff I could be wearing or using - several of the items just need minor mends or hems taking up or something similar. And that doesn't take into account the, erm,
several boxes of dressmaking fabric or craft materials on the other side of the bedroom. Or
the stacks of fabric destined for making stuff to sell on Ebay or Etsy. Or the studio full of art materials (not so much unfinished stuff in there, though, just a couple of pieces). Or the garage full of furniture to refinish or adapt to another purpose.

I don't make New Year resolutions, but I intend to tackle some of this Stuff. The household is beginning to feel like a big albatross about my neck, filled with attention-demanding goods. Getting some of it finished or getting rid of it will be good for my psyche. I'm in that (deluded, perhaps) state of mind that thinks that all I need to do to solve some of the things bothering me is to Get Organised. Get the stuff organised. Get better storage. Get rid of stuff. Clean up the house (and the garden, oh, let's not think about the garden - but I am. I want to plant vegies: zuchini, carrots, more tomatoes, more potatoes. Maybe beans.).

Start slow. Keep going. Get there. Eventually :)

Friday, January 9, 2009


Drawing 352

Drawing 353

Drawing 354

Drawing 355

I'm on a little winged kick. The dragonish wings come closest to what was in my head.