Things I Hate About Public Transport
- Other passengers
- Passengers who put their bags on the seat beside them and refuse to let others sit there. Note to these people: Your bag does not buy a ticket and is not entitled to a seat all to itself, and I don't care what you say, I WILL stand there and argue with you until the cows come home
- Passengers who sit in an aisle seat with an empty seat next to them and refuse to let me pass to sit there, or who get really annoyed at doing so. I get sitting on an aisle, I prefer it myself, but I would never prevent someone else from using the empty seat
- Canceled trains
- Several trains canceled in a row
- Late trains
- Would-be humourous announcements regarding 4, 5 or 6. Okay, points for attempting to make light of the situation, but most of us are in no mood, NO MOOD, I say!
- Boarding passengers who attempt to push past disembarking passengers. Wait two seconds, it won't kill you, nor will you miss the train
- And disembarking passengers who attempt to push past other disembarking passengers closer to the door. Also wait two seconds, you won't get stuck on the train
- The stranger who prodded and pushed me to walk up the scary escalators at Parliament Station, even though I was standing to the left to allow others to pass. Next time I may elbow you in the face...oops!
- Other passengers who wear bucketloads of fragrance or aftershave - go easy on the perfumes! Some days my eyes stream and nose itches for hours from the olfactory overload
- Tickets that refuse to work at the gates, despite being properly validated
- Crappy customer service from staff who have no clue how to answer perfectly reasonable questions, and Don't Care
- Falling asleep on the train and missing my stop, then having to wait an eon at the next stop for a train coming back the other way. While this might not be Public Transport's fault, I still want to blame them